
Meet our allies.
These are the faces behind the masks of those who do not stand on the front line, but stand with us.

They are the social influencers, the professors and the teachers, and they are the students at Inkster School who took time to write us letters this week, encouraging our nurses to keep going.

They are the business owners who rallied together, threw down their hands and dollars to build a campaign to petition Manitobans to speak up.

They are the emergency department physicians who took the time from already incredibly busy days to formulate a profoundly impactful letter sent to the Premier, calling for more. They explained the gravity of the situation in emergency departments and the morale insult from our government.

These are the friends and families of nurses who have changed their profile photos on social media to add a Manitoba Nurses Union frame, announcing they have the couRAGE to stand with nurses. They are the bookish knitters who tag MLAs, every time they confront injustice. They are the political satirists and staff at Central Office who don’t back down.

This is everyone who is not willing to let patient care suffer, who knows that 15 months of sacrificing oneself is worth a fair negotiation. This is for the spouses of frontline workers who listen, who aren’t willing to give up. This is a nod to the past, the General Strike and the Strike of 1991. This is our sisters and brothers who stand solidarity. Because quite frankly, we’ve had enough. We’re not backing down. We’ve come too far to settle.

This week, the faces behind the masks belong to everyone who sees, honours and stands with nurses.


Innercourage.ca  |  2022